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Updated IT facilities and access to the Internet is need of an hour and fundamental to achieve the vision for the future, with increasing demand in educational campuses Indore Institute of Management and Research (IIMR) offers flexibility, quality education and educational resources, growing opportunities for learning beyond the classroom. Focusing on this, the institute provides secured and stable wired or Wi-Fi network campus for the students and faculty members.

Institute is well equipped with wired and wireless internet access and that can be also accessed in classrooms, library, labs, corridors, auditoriums, seminar halls and all dwelling areas.

Efficient ICT infrastructure is essential for teachers and students, to make the best use of Internet-enabled learning. These are well-maintained, timely upgraded and cyber-secure and have reliable electric power support.

1. ICT Enabled Classrooms
2. ICT Enabled Seminar Halls
3. ICT Enabled Auditorium
4. ICT Enabled Computer Lab
5. ICT Tools Available in Institute
6. Use of LCD Projector in Classrooms and Labs
7. Sample Google Classroom