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Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)

Name of Degree Awarded Duration Eligibility Criteria Total Seats
Bachelor of Commerce 3 Years Programme 10+2 in any stream from a Recognized Board 60

About the Programme

After completing 12th, students usually opt B.Com. for improvement in knowledge & Skill in the area of accounting and finance. It is an undergraduate degree in commerce and related subjects. This course is designed to provide students with a wide range of managerial skills and understanding in streams like finance, accounting, taxation and management. The academic framework of this course includes various industry projects, industry internship, industry certifications, and practical experience in the world of commerce.

Our Offerings

Institute organizes seminars and workshops related to Capital Markets, Banking and Insurance Industry by the experts of industry so that the students get practical knowledge. As the requirement of the Industry and Higher Studies we provide language skill, aptitude and personality development classes so that it can help the students in cracking the interviews. We provide various skill development courses and certification in MS-Office, Tally, SPSS and Accounting Software’s etc to give the students an edge over the others.

PEO1: Develop within our graduates the knowledge proficiency needed for the professional accounting practices of business.


PEO2: Develop within our graduates the ability to communicate effectively and decision making.


PEO3: Instil within our graduates a commitment towards lifelong accounting skills, inquiry, learning and creativity.


PEO4: Foster within our graduates a commitment to protect the public interest, financial supporting services and environment in the practice of the commerce sector.


PEO5: Foster within our graduates an understanding of the need to maintain the highest ethical and professional standards in the filed of management & finance.

PSO1: The ability to understand, analyse and apply the knowledge of accounting practices in terms of society and business problems to meet the challenges of the future.


PSO2: The ability to develop conceptual knowledge and practical skills using innovative tools and techniques to solve problems in the areas related to commerce, management & finance.


PSO3: Equipped them with a blend of skills of technical, analytical, effective communication, decision making & problem resolving.



PO1: Develop progressive affective domain, development of values, the role of accounting in society and business.

PO2: Understand the conceptual knowledge of accounting and acquire skills of maintaining accounts acquire entrepreneurial, legal and managerial skills.

PO3: Program will develop the ability to think critically and independently translating into a well-developed personal value system.

PO4: Skilled in the use of computer systems and software used in commerce and business through practical assignments, exercises and demonstrations.

PO5: Enables learners to get theoretical and practical exposure in the commerce sector which includes Accounts, Commerce, Marketing, Management, Economics, Environment etc.

PO6: Develop ability to communicate effectively both in terms of business as well as social interaction.

PO7: Apply basic mathematical and statistical skills necessary for analysis of a range of problems in economics, actuarial studies, accounting, marketing, management and finance.

PO8: Acquire the skills of effective communication, decision making, and problem solving in day-to-day business affairs.

PO9: Acquire practical skills to work as tax consultant, cost accountant, audit assistant and other financial supporting services.

PO10: Strengthens their capacities in varied areas of commerce and industry aiming towards holistic development of learners.

PO11: Encourage the students to advance a range of generic skills helpful in employment, internships, and social activities.

PO12: Appreciate importance of working independently and in a team.


*As Per New Education Policy (NEP-2020)

Course: C1-COMA1T- Financial Accounting 

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Acquire conceptual knowledge of basics of accounting.

CO2: Identify events that need to be recorded in the accounting records.

CO3: Develop the skill of recording financial transactions and preparation of reports in accordance with GAAP.

CO4: Describe the role of accounting information and its limitations.

CO5: Equip with the knowledge of accounting process and preparation off in a accounts

          of sole trade.

CO6: Identify and analyze the reasons for the difference between cashbook and pass book balances.

CO7: Recognize circumstances providing for increased exposure to errors and frauds.

Course: C1-COMA2T- Business Regulatory Framework

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: To provide the students with practical legal knowledge of general business laws issues.

CO2: To understand the essentials of a valid contract, the laws of the act, consideration and the various modes of discharge of a contract.

CO3: To explain the various laws with regard to the Sale of Goods and Performance of a Sale Contract and remedial measures.

CO4: To familiarize the students with the various law with regard to Consumer protection in India and the functions of various Consumer forums.

CO5: To understand the meaning and various legislations with regard to the Cyber Laws.

Course: C1-COMA2T- Business Organization and Communication

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Understand the basics of the business and student will be able to imbibe how

           any business can be organized successfully.

CO2: Students shall be able to elucidate how communication plays an important role in

          the modern business scenario.

Course: C1-COMB1T- Business Mathematics

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: To apply basic terms of integration in solving practical problems field of as of business. To explain basic methods of business calculus, types and methods of interest account and their basic applications in practice.

CO2: To solve problems in the areas of business calculus and simple and compound interest account, use of compound interest account, loan and consumer credit.

CO3: To discuss effects of various types and methods of interest account.

CO4: Connect acquired knowledge and skills with practical problems in economic practice.

Course: V1-COM-FINT – Financial Services and Insurance

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Understand the functions of Banking and Insurance Services.

CO2: Know about and able to perform various financial services such as Banking, Investment Advisory, Wealth Management, Mutual Funds, Insurance Consultancy, Stock market, capital Restructuring, Portfolio management etc.

CO3: Enhances knowledge about the legal and regulatory aspects of banking and Insurance. .

CO4: Aware about the financial derivatives.

CO5: Develop skills to work in financial and insurance services.

Course: X1-FCHB1T- English Language and Indian Culture  

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Prepare for various competitive exams by developing their English language competence.

CO2: Promote their comprehension skills by being exposed to a variety of texts and their interpretations.

CO3: Build and enhance their vocabulary.

CO4: Develop their communication skills by strengthening grammar and usages.

CO5: Inculcate values which make them aware of national heritage and environmental issues, making them responsible citizens.

Course: X1-FCAC1T- Environmental Education  

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: To understand various aspects of life forms, ecological processes, and the impacts on them by human during Anthropocene era.

CO2: To build capabilities to identify relevant environmental issues, analyze various  underlying causes, evaluate the practices and policies, and develop framework to make informed decision.

CO3: To develop empathy for life forms, awareness and responsibility towards environmental protection and nature preservation.

CO4: To develop critical thinking for shaping strategies such as: scientific, social, economic, administrative and legal environmental protection, conservation of biodiversity, environmental equity and sustainable development.

CO5: To prepare for the competitive exams.

Course: X1-FCEA1T- Language and Culture

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: उत्कृष्ट साहित्यिक पाठों के अध्ययन से रूचि का विकास करना।

CO2: सांस्कृतिक चेतना और राष्ट्रीय भावना का विकास करना।

CO3: भाषा ज्ञान।

CO4: सामान्य शब्दावली और विशेष शबदावली के अध्ययन द्वारा भाषा एवं संस्कृति बोध का विकास


CO5: विशिष्ट शब्दावली (बीज शब्द/की वर्ड) से परिचित करवाते हुए बोध क स्टार को विकसित


CO6: प्रतियोगी परिक्षाओं हेतु तैयार करना।

Course: A1-YOSC1F- Yoga and Meditation  

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: After studying this course, students will be able to take care of their own physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health.


*As Per New Education Policy (NEP-2020)

Course: C2-COMA1T- Corporate Accounting

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: An understanding of the regulatory environment in which companies are formed and operate.

CO2: A solid foundation in accounting and reporting requirements of Corporations Act and Accounting Standards.

CO3: Describe the rationale, merits, and demerits of issuing bonus share for a company.

CO4: Prepare financial statements (Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet etc. using online software.

CO5: Prepare balance sheet after internal reconstruction of companies.

CO6: Analyze the case study of major amalgamations of companies in India.

CO7: Describe the process of e-filing of annual reports of companies.

Course: C2-COMA2T- Cost Accounting

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Know the principles, concepts, benefits, utility of cost accounting.

CO2: In the vent of setting up of your own company, being self-sufficient in cost accounting, student will be able to acquire knowledge of the methods of material issue, control and labour payment.

CO3: Will be expert in finding out unit cost, finding tender price, finding contract cost and finding profit.

CO4: Develop decision making ability through marginal cost analysis, standard cost analysis.

CO5: Will be able to get employment as a cost analyst in small, big business houses.


Course: C2-COMB2T- Business Statistics

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Apply a basic knowledge of statistics to business disciplines.

CO2: Develop the ability to analyze and interpret data to provide meaningful information to assist in management decision making activities.

CO3: Apply appropriate graphical and numerical descriptive statistics for different types of data.

CO4: Apply probability rules and concepts relating to discrete and continuous random variables to answer questions within a business context.

CO5: Explain and interpret a variety of hypothesis tests to aid decision making in a business context.

CO6: Use simple/multiple regression models to analyze the underlying relationships between the variables.

Course: C2-COME2T – Financial Market Operations

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Understand the role and importance of the Indian financial market. Strengthen their grammar and vocabulary.

CO2: Apply and analyze the concepts relevant to the Indian Financial Markets and financial institutions.

CO3: Understand and analyze the mechanics and regulation of financial instruments and determine how the value of stocks, bonds, and securities are calculated.

CO4: Evaluate empirical evidence of the market performance and according the role of regulatory authorities to develop the financial market.

CO5: Research and analyze specific problems or issues related to financial markets  and institutions.

CO6: To gain comprehensive knowledge of investors’ protection.

CO7: To evaluate the challenges faced by the regulators in financial service industry.


Course: X2-FCHB1T- English Language and Indian Culture  

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Strengthen their grammar and vocabulary.

CO2: Acquire and develop Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills.

CO3: Learn to think creatively and critically.

Course: X2-FCAC1T- Entrepreneurship Development   

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Understand basics of entrepreneurship and small business management.

CO2: Helps in building the skills, framework and knowledge of entrepreneurship and new venture creation.

CO3: Helps students in understanding the importance of the planning process and  learn how to develop, write and present an effective business plans for a new venture.

Course: X2-FCEA1T- Language and Culture

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: भारतीय ज्ञान परंपरा से विद्यार्थियों को अवगत एवं लाभान्वित करना।

CO2: उत्कृष्ट साहित्यिक पाठों के अध्ययन से रूचि का विकास करना।

CO3: सांस्कृतिक चेतना और राष्ट्रीय भावना का विकास करना।

CO4: भाषा ज्ञान।

CO5: सामान्य शब्दावली और विशेष शबदावली के अध्ययन द्वारा भाषा एवं संस्कृति बोध का विकास करना।

CO6: विशिष्ट शब्दावली (बीज शब्द/की वर्ड ) से परिचित करवाते हुए बोध क स्टार को विकसित करना।


Course: Women Empowerment

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Understand the history, concept and various dimensions of women empowerment in India.

CO2: Understand the constitutional provisions, laws and policies related to women   empowerment.

CO3: Get knowledge of various issues, challenges and agencies supporting women empowerment. With this, student will be able to get acquainted with the glory story of the powerful women leadership of India.

CO4: Present study related to women empowerment will provide employment opportunities to the students in government, private and non-government organizations.


Course: C3-COMA1D Income Tax Law and Practices

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Understand the basic concepts in the law of Income tax and determine the Residential status of   different persons.

CO2: Identify the five heads in which income is categorized and compute income under the provisions of various heads

CO3: Understand clubbing procedures, aggregate income after set-off and carry forward of losses and deduction allowed under the Income Tax Act and further to compute taxable income and tax liability of individuals

CO4: Develop the ability to file online return

Course: C3-COMA2D Goods and Service Tax and Custom Duty

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Connect with the genesis of goods and service tax (GST), decipher the constitutional amendment carried out to install in Indian and comprehend the composition and working of GST Council.

CO2: Understand the meaning of supply under GST Law.

CO3: Comprehend the utilization of input tax credit.

CO4: Understand the provisions for registration under GST Law.

CO5: Know the basic concepts of Customs Act and to compute the assessable value for charging customs duty.

Course: C3-COMB2T Management Accounting

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Be well versed in a thorough analysis of any company’s financial statements such as profit and loss account and position statement, and be able to make accurate estimates of the financial position, solvency and profitability of that company.

CO2: By studying the cash flow statement, you will get the knowledge of proper use of cash in the organization and adequate availability of cash in the organization.

CO3: After getting the knowledge of marginal cost, will be able to make very important decisions for the company such as whether to make or buy the item, fix the price, stop production etc.

CO4: Learn to control costs by creating different types of budgets from budgetary control.

CO5: Prepare the managerial report of the company.

Course: C3-COME2T Business Ethics and Human Values  

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: To define, explain and illustrate the theoretical foundations of business ethics.

CO2: To gain skills and techniques related to the successful implementation of business ethics into practice.

CO3: To recognize and resolve ethical issues in business.

CO4: To reflect and critically examine their own values and the importance of the ethical dimension in the business.

CO5: To understand sources of organizational ethical culture and deviant behavior.

CO6: To develop ethical leadership skills.

CO7: To learn about morals, values and work ethics.

CO8: To learn and respect others and develop civic virtue.

CO9: To learn the values and implement in their careers.


Course: V3-COM-GSTT Personal Tax Planning   

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Examine how tax planning is useful and essential for every tax payer.

CO2: Understand the concept of tax evasion and tax planning from direct taxes point of view.

CO3: Determine residential status and its relationship with tax planning.

CO4: Examine how tax planning is permitted under different provisions of the Income Tax Act.

CO5: Assess the tax liability of individuals and HUFs having income under different heads, by considering tax planning measures providing for optimal tax relief.

CO6: Choose the avenues of investment with an intent to reduce tax liabilities and identify merits and limitations of different means of investments and examine various provisions relating to deduction and collection of tax at source and advance tax obligations.


Course: X3-FCHB1T English Language and Communication Skills    

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Prepare for various competitive exams be developing their competence in English Language.

CO2: Promote their comprehension and communicative skills by being exposed to a variety of texts and their interpretations.

CO3: Build and enhance their language competence through regular practice.

CO4: Develop their knowledge of English Grammar and usages in a practical manner.

CO5: Compete in national and state level examinations for various competitions after the completion of the course.

CO6: Seek a good job and to settle down in self-employment or their own business or profession.

Course: X3-FCEA1T Hindi Language and Culture     

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: इस पाठ्यक्रम के अध्ययन से विद्यार्थी हिंदी के प्रसिद्ध रचनाकार एवं उनकी रचनाओं से परिचित हो सकेंगे।

CO2: पठित रचनाओं के माध्यम से विद्यार्थी देश की सभ्यता एवं संस्कृति से परिचित हो सकेंगे।

CO3: पाठ्यक्रम के अध्ययन से विद्यार्थियों के व्यक्तितव का बहुमुखी विकास होगा एवं रोज़गार के अवसर उपलब्ध होंगे।

CO4: विशिष्ट शब्दावली ( बीज शब्द/ की वर्ड ) से परिचित करवाते हुए बोध के स्तर को विकसित करना।


Course: X3-FCAC1T Personality Development and Character Building   

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Students will acquire the conceptual knowledge of Personality Development.

CO2: Students will develop insight into character building.

CO3: Students will be able to become global visionary citizens.

CO4: Students will be able to understand Indian knowledge tradition.

CO5: Students will be able to understand the difference between nature, culture and distortion.

CO6: This course will help in character building and overall development of personality of the students.


Course: X3-FCBD1T Digital Awareness – Cyber Security

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Make optimum use of web browsers, search engines and Chatbots

CO2: Creating e-mail account, sending, receiving and managing emails.

CO3: Describe reporting procedure of phishing emails.

CO4: Identify email phishing attack and preventive measures.

CO5: Configure security settings in Mobile Wallets and UPIs.

CO6: Practice safe, legal and ethical means of using Information Technology.

CO7: Practice and use the various online financial and government services of day-to-day use.

CO8: Understand the basic concepts related to E-Commerce and digital payments.

CO9: Discuss cyber security aspects, RBI guidelines and preventive measures against digital payment frauds.

CO10: Explore and learn the online available courses of his/her interest.

CO11: Use the Digi locker and Academic Bank of Credit.

CO12: Describe the concept of Cyber security and issues and challenges associated with it.

CO13: Explain the process of reporting cybercrime at Cybercrime Police Station/ at online platform.

CO14: Appreciate various privacy and security concerns on online Social media.

CO15: Guide through the reporting procedure of inappropriate content.

CO16: Perform privacy and security settings for popular Social media platforms.

Career Prospects

The Bachelor of Commerce degree is designed to provide students with a wide range of managerial skills, while at the same time building competence in a particular area of business. Students are exposed to general business principles, taking courses in accounting, finance, business management, human resources, statistics, marketing, and Economics, Accounting & Finance, Marketing, Taxation, Computer Applications & E- Business. Highly educated and experienced.
