Message from HOD – Mechanical
Mechanical Engineering happens to be the back bone of any industry with amazing versatility. The department of Mechanical Engineering strives to train students in mechanical engineering as well as application of its scientific methods to conceive, organize and carry out design of engineering system.
The programme includes a deeper study of number of engineering sciences to which the students are introduced at the core curriculum level, experimental solution of physical problems, techniques and method of system design relevant to the contemporary industrial world. The broad areas include Energy Conversion, Power Systems, Heat Transfer & Fluid Mechanics, Mechanics of Solids & Stress Analysis, Manufacturing Science, Industrial Engineering, and Automatic Control & Engineering Design.
The department has well-equipped labs to impart sound practical knowledge of the subject. This department has dedicated and competent faculty members to impart quality education, project guidance, personality development to enable them to be placed with a reputed organizations.
Best wishes,
Mr. Anand Mahajan
HOD (Mechanical Engineering)