Dr. Pooja Srivastava, Associate Professor, IIMR “Marketing’s job is never done. It’s about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day”. – Beth Comstock, Former CMO &.
Read MoreDr. Anuradha Pathak, Associate Professor, IIMR Over the years, the outlook of business has expanded from being domestic to now being global, making it more dynamic, uncertain and.
Read MoreThe stakes are high as there is an escalation of trade tension. In companies worldwide, business functions from procurement to manufacturing to supply chain depends the on deft trade.
Read MoreDr. RakshitaPuranik, Associate Professor,IIMR Business Analyticshas brought the paradigm shift in management education. It is a subject that is fast-gaining momentum owing to its relevance and scope in.
Read MoreData Science an overview: As the world evolves into a digital era along with humanity thus generating more and more complex data derived through human behavior and their activities,.
Read MoreDimple Sukhija, Assistant Professor, IIMR In today’s era owning just a college degree is not adequate. Employers have started looking for workers with varied skill sets which has paved.
Read MoreDr. Shubhangi Jain, Assistant Professor, IIMR The stakes are high as there is escalation of trade tension. In companies worldwide, business functions from procurement to manufacturing to supply chain.
Read MoreSkills, intuition, interest, knowledge, or passion – which one to align with? Surely making career choices is not another piece of cake, and at some point in time, you.
Read More“Communication is the key to global business.” _ Anita Roddick The business world is gradually becoming more and more globalized than ever before, interconnecting nations, organizations, people, and innovations..
Read MoreIt’s not that we use technology, we literally live technology. _ Godfrey Reggio The evolving trends of lifestyle and retail,the emergence ofrobotics and AI as the changing face of.
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